Lingual Braces
These are placed inside the teeth

A lingual brace is fixed to the inside surface of the teeth (on the tongue side). They are usually made especially for your mouth, from impressions taken by your orthodontist / dentist using moulds.

What are the advantages of a lingual brace?


In general, lingual braces cannot be seen by other people, unless they look inside your mouth.

Fewer white / brown marks on teeth visible, after the braces are removed

If you have any brace, your oral hygiene and brushing must be excellent. If plaque sits on the teeth and is not removed by brushing, you can get areas of early tooth decay, which appear as white or brown marks. These can still occur with lingual braces, but would be less visible than with braces fitted to the outside surface of the teeth.

Will my treatment be different if I choose a lingual brace, compared with a metal or a white fixed brace?


Lingual braces are more expensive than metal and ceramic braces. They are not offered within the National Health Service in the U.K. and are not provided by all orthodontists.

Treatment appointment time

Lingual braces are more difficult to place and adjust. Therefore, your appointments might take longer.

Overall treatment time

There is no definitive evidence on the differences in treatment time based on whether the braces are on the inside or outside surface of the teeth. However, most orthodontists would suggest that treatment with lingual braces may take longer. Your orthodontist will be able to let you have an estimate of the time that your treatment may take.


Since lingual braces are fitted to the inside surface of your teeth, they can rub against your tongue. This normally goes after a couple of weeks. Lingual braces can take longer to get used to than braces on the front of the teeth.


Some patients find that initially their speech is altered when they have lingual braces fitted and they may experience a lisp. This normally goes after a couple of weeks.